
Won't Run

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have tried downloading the file, extracting the zip, and running it as an administrator several times and it only opens for a millisecond. I tried restarting my computer and re-downloading but to no avail. When troubleshooting it said I needed windows 8? I was wondering if you had any inspiration to help me to get this to work. I am trying to patch my windows download onto my raspberry pi 4.

Open it in a shell, like Command Prompt or Powershell.

Yes, as the very first line of the readme indicates, this is a commandline utility, and not something you simply double click on and that does everything for you. You need to manually type a set of parameters, from a command prompt, and then winpatch will report something to indicate whether it worked or not, as per the screenshot below:


It doesn't show up in my directory in my Command prompt.