TODO for v.1.0
pbelskiy opened this issue · 0 comments
pbelskiy commented
- remove function stubs from readme, try to use hook
- black code formatter
- use conftest for Jenkins instance and fixtures for tmpdir (pytest)
- add stubs (mypy hook for stubs?)
- use jenkins.utils through public interface only
- internal retrier when network problem \ server rebooting
- reuse aiohttp client session -> #5
- builds.start -> %) -> ?
- remove code duplication in requests part
- use POST for build_job
- nodes CRUD
- fix flake8 notes
- add crumb live updater
- add wait is_jenkins_ready function & use it in tests instead of dumb sleep
- token API support
- add isort to CI
- use submodules for nodes, jobs etc
- CI: mypy
- problem with default parameters build (use buildWithParameters) if parameters exist
- return build queue id
- remove leading slash (GET //job/test_build_list_1595076834.379972/api/json?tree=allBuilds%5Bnumber,url%5D HTTP/1.1 )
- get rid off code duplication in tests (job create \ delete)
Fully engineered entities:
- nodes
- jobs
- builds