
ipv6addr: unrecognized option '---no-prefixlength'

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According to the docs I can do this:

$ ipv6calc --out ipv6 --examples
  --forceprefix <num>: Force prefix to <num>
  --no-prefixlength: Don't print prefix length if given on input

However those two options don't seem to work:

$ ipv6calc --in prefix+mac "1:2:3:4::/56" "11:22:33:44:55:66" --action prefixmac2ipv6 --out ipv6addr --no-prefixlength
ipv6calc: unrecognized option '--no-prefixlength'
$ ipv6calc --in prefix+mac "1:2:3:4::" "11:22:33:44:55:66" --action prefixmac2ipv6 --out ipv6addr --force-prefix 56
ipv6calc: unrecognized option '--force-prefix'

The other options listed in --examples work.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, looks like I forgot to implement this fully...

  • "force-prefix": was implemented, but forgotten to catch the option
  • "no-prefixlength": totally forgotten

Fixed in by c25613c

Will create a release next