
Feature request - datapack integration for bot messages

dbarrett1226 opened this issue · 2 comments

I would like to make a datapack that will track how many of a certain item that I may or may not craft too often cough crafting bench cough and then automatically update a counter set to a command in streamelements. I have a custom command set up and works when I send the command as a player. It doesn't work if I run an execute as me /say command in the datapack. It shows in the local chat, but it doesn't forward it to Twitch. Is this even a possibility?

pblop commented

I could certainly look into that, it looks doable.

I'm thinking of adding a /twitch say command that works just like saying something from your chatbox with a prefix would, would that work for you?

I may not be able to do it though, because this is a client side mod.

I think something like that would work. I can’t tell you how excited I was to find this mod. Now I don’t have to constantly be looking from screen to screen.

Awesome job!