#Why use this portlet Have you ever had trouble finding which site pages contain a specific portlet? Have you wished to know at a glance all portlets a site page contains? 'Where Is My Portlet' provides the answer!
'Where Is My Portlet' (WIMP) is a Site-section Control Panel utility portlet that offers users a fast and convenient way to discover:
- site pages contain a specific portlet
- hich portlets are contained in a site page
The portlet is designed in a minimalistic way to take advantage of its simplicity, user friendliness and the fact that it aimed for both developers and editors / administrators.
#Installation Just put the code in a directory, in the portlers directory of your Liferay SDK.
#Building Just run the ant script.
#Documentation The documentation is here. But you can find it also under the help but in the portlet. #Screenshots