
Official AfricasTalking node.js API wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Official Africa's Talking Node.js API wrapper

The Africa's Talking Node API wrapper provides convenient access to the Africa's Talking API from applications written in server-side JavaScript.


Take a look at the API docs here.


You can install the package by running:

$ npm install --save africastalking


The package needs to be configured with your Africa's Talking username and API key (which you can get from the dashboard). In addition to the API key, there are a few other options you can set including the response format.

const options = {
    sandbox: true,                  // true/false to use/not sandbox
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',         // Use sandbox username and API key if you're using the sandbox
    username: 'YOUR_USERNAME',      //
    format: 'json'                  // or xml
const AfricasTalking = require('africastalking')(options);
// ...

Important: If you register a callback URL with the API, always remember to acknowledge the receipt of any data it sends by responding with an HTTP 200; e.g. res.status(200); for express.


const sms = AfricasTalking.SMS;
// all methods return a promise
  • send(options): Send a message. options contains:

    • to: A single recipient or an array of recipients. REQUIRED
    • from: Shortcode or alphanumeric ID that is registered with Africa's Talking account.
    • message: SMS content. REQUIRED
  • sendBulk(options): Send bulk SMS. In addition to paramaters of send(), we would have:

    • enqueue: "[...] would like deliver as many messages to the API before waiting for an Ack from the Telcos."
  • sendPremium(options): Send premium SMS. In addition to paramaters of send(), we would have:

    • keyword: Value is a premium keyword REQUIRED
    • linkId: "[...] We forward the linkId to your application when the user send a message to your service" REQUIRED
    • retryDurationInHours: "It specifies the number of hours your subscription message should be retried in case it's not delivered to the subscriber"

You can register a callback URL with us and we will forward any messages that are sent to your account the moment they arrive. Read more

  • fetchMessages(options): Manually retrieve your messages.

    • lastReceivedId: "This is the id of the message that you last processed". Defaults to 0. REQUIRED

If you have subscription products on your premium SMS short codes, you will need to configure a callback URL that we will invoke to notify you when users subscribe or unsubscribe from your products. Read more

  • createSubscription(options):

    • shortCode: "This is a premium short code mapped to your account". REQUIRED
    • keyword: "Value is a premium keyword under the above short code and mapped to your account". REQUIRED
    • phoneNumber: "The phoneNumber to be subscribed" REQUIRED
  • fetchSubscription(options):

    • shortCode: "This is a premium short code mapped to your account". REQUIRED
    • keyword: "Value is a premium keyword under the above short code and mapped to your account". REQUIRED
    • lastReceivedId: "ID of the subscription you believe to be your last." Defaults to 0

Processing USSD requests using our API is very easy once your account is set up. In particular, you will need to:

  • Register a service code with us.
  • Register a URL that we can call whenever we get a request from a client coming into our system.

Once you register your callback URL, any requests that we receive belonging to you will trigger a callback that sends the request data to that page using HTTP POST. Read more.

If you are using connect-like frameworks (express), you could use the middleware AfricasTalking.USSD(handler):

handler(params, next): Process USSD request and call next() when done.

  • params: contains the following user data sent by Africa's Talking servers: sessionId, serviceCode, phoneNumber and text.
  • next(args): args must contain the following:
    • response: Text to display on user's device. REQUIRED
    • endSession: Boolean to decide whether to END session or to CONtinue it. REQUIRED
// example (express)

app.post('/natoil-ussd', new AfricasTalking.USSD((params, next) => {
    const endSession = false;
    const message = '';
    const session = sessions.get(params.sessionId);
    const user = db.getUserByPhone(params.phoneNumber);

    if (params.text === '') {
        message = "Welcome to Nat Oil \n";
        message += "1: For account info \n";
        message += "2: For lost gas cylinder";

    } else if (params.text === '1') {
        message = user.getInfo();
        endSession = true;

    } else if (params.text === '2') {
        message = "Enter 1 for recovery \n";
        message += "Enter 2 for lost and found";
        endSession = true;

    } else {
        message = "Invalid option";
        endSession = true;

        response: message, 
        endSession: endSession


const voice = AfricasTalking.VOICE;
  • Helpers that will construct proper xml to send back to Africa's Taking API when it comes POSTing. Read more
    • Say, Play, GetDigits, Dial, Record, Enqueue, Dequeue, Conference, Redirect, Reject
  • Initiate a call
  • Fetch call queue
  • Media upload - any url to Play will be cached by default.
  • Remember to send back an HTTP 200.
    callFrom: '+2547XXXXXXXX', // AT virtual number
    callTo: from_ 
  .then(function(s) {
    // persist call Info
  .catch(function(error) {
    phoneNumbers: destinationNumber 
  .then(function(s) {
    // call queue
  .catch(function(error) {

check issue #15


const airtime = AfricasTalking.AIRTIME;
  • airtime.send(options): Send airtime options is an object which contains the key:
    • recipients: Contains an array of objects containing the following keys
      • phoneNumber: Recipient of airtime
      • amount: Amount sent. >= 10 && <= 10K


  • fetchAccount(): Fetch account info; i.e. balance


Mobile Consumer To Business (C2B) functionality allows your application to receive payments that are initiated by a mobile subscriber. This is typically achieved by disctributing a PayBill or BuyGoods number (and optionally an account number) that clients can use to make payments from their mobile devices. Read more

const payments = AfricasTalking.PAYMENTS;


// Request payment from customer A.K.A checkout

// Wait for payment notifications from customer(s) on your registered callback URL
  • checkout(options): Initiate Customer to Business (C2B) payments on a mobile subscriber's device. More info

    • productName: Your Payment Product. REQUIRED

    • phoneNumber: The customer phone number (in international format; e.g. 25471xxxxxxx). REQUIRED

    • currencyCode: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g KES, USD, UGX etc.) REQUIRED

    • amount: This is the amount. REQUIRED

    • metadata: Some optional data to associate with transaction.


// Send payment to customer(s) A.K.A B2C

// Wait for payment notifications on your registered callback URL
  • payConsumer(options): Initiate payments to mobile subscribers from your payment wallet. More info

    • productName: Your Payment Product. REQUIRED

    • recipients: A list of up to 10 recipients. Each recipient has:

      • phoneNumber: The payee phone number (in international format; e.g. 25471xxxxxxx). REQUIRED

      • currencyCode: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g KES, USD, UGX etc.) REQUIRED

      • amount: Payment amount. REQUIRED

      • reason: This field contains a string showing the purpose for the payment. If set, it should be one of the following

      • metadata: Some optional data to associate with transaction.


// Send payment to business(s) like a bank A.K.A B2B

// Wait for payment notifications on your registered callback URL
  • payBusiness(options): Mobile Business To Business (B2B) APIs allow you to initiate payments TO businesses eg banks FROM your payment wallet. More info

    • productName: Your Payment Product as setup on your account. REQUIRED

    • provider: This contains the payment provider that is facilitating this transaction. Supported providers at the moment are:



    • transferType: This contains the payment provider that is facilitating this transaction. Supported providers at the moment are:


    • currencyCode: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g KES, USD, UGX etc.) REQUIRED

    • destinationChannel: This value contains the name or number of the channel that will receive payment by the provider. REQUIRED

    • destinationAccount: This value contains the account name used by the business to receive money on the provided destinationChannel. REQUIRED

    • amount: Payment amount. REQUIRED

    • metadata: Some optional data to associate with transaction.


Run all tests:

$ npm install
$ npm test

or on Windows...

$ npm install
$ npm run test-windows


If you find a bug, please file an issue on our issue tracker on GitHub.