A Vue.js project
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# Vue JS 2 Tutorial #1
For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.
- Tutorial #1 - Introduction (4:30)
- Tutorial #2 - The Vue Instance (6:48)
- Tutorial #3 - Data & Methods (5:41)
- Tutorial #4 - Data Binding (6:28)
- Tutorial #5 - Events (10:54)
- Tutorial #6 - Event Modifiers (3:51)
- Tutorial #7 - Keyboard Events (5:40)
- Tutorial #8 - Two-Way Data Binding (4:02)
- Tutorial #9 - Computed Properties (6:50)
- Tutorial #10 - Dynamic CSS Classes (9:32)
- Tutorial #11 - Conditionals (7:14)
- Tutorial #12 - Looping with v-for (10:57)
- Tutorial #13 - Simple Punchbag Game (13:54)
- Tutorial #14 - Multiple Vue Instances (7:22)
- Tutorial #15 - Intro to Components (7:09)
- Tutorial #16 - Refs (6:12)
- Tutorial #17 - The Vue CLI (8:24)
- Tutorial #18 - Vue Files & The Root Component
- Tutorial #19 - Nesting Components (6:35)
- Tutorial #20 - Component CSS (scoped) (6:00)
- Tutorial #21 - Nesting Components Examples (13:35)
- Tutorial #22 - Props (7:31)
- Tutorial #23 - Primitive vs Reference Types (8:49)
- Tutorial #24 - Events (child to parent) (7:31)
- Tutorial #25 - The Event Bus (6:07)
- Tutorial #26 - Life-cycle Hooks (9:18)
- Tutorial #27 - Slots (15:07)
- Tutorial #28 - Dynamic Components (7:36)
- Tutorial #29 - Input Binding (Creating a blog, part 1) (10:39)
- Tutorial #30 - Checkbox Binding (7:12)
- Tutorial #31 - Select Box Binding (5:38)
- Tutorial #32 - HTTP Requests (11:19)
- Tutorial #33 - GET Requests (9:47)
- Tutorial #34 - Custom Directives (12:29)
- Tutorial #35 - Filters (5:04)
- Tutorial #36 - Custom Search Filter (6:30)
- Tutorial #37 - Registering Things Locally (5:16)
- Tutorial #38 - Mixins (6:03)
- Tutorial #39 - Setting up Routing (8:23)
- Tutorial #40 - Hash vs History (Routing) (4:51)
- Tutorial #41 - Adding Router Links (6:16)
- Tutorial #42 - Route Parameters (10:54)
- Tutorial #43 - Posting to Firebase (7:17)