
pycaption still doesn't handle the &pos; in the srt files.

hvedamurthy opened this issue · 3 comments

Pycaption released a latest version 0.5.5 which had the DFXP file handling &pos; but unfortunately this is not being handled for SRTReader, i guess.


I haven't found documentation about the SRT format that says anything about escaping xml entities. If you think you found something like that, please share.

Otherwise I'd leave pycaption as it is, simply because it's not clear what the format should be like... Finding documentation for this thing was really hard, and we need all the help we can get.

Hey Vladiibine, Thanks for replying soon. I understand it doesn't adhere to W3C spec or anything and all the reason not to fix that. I haven't found anything either. I'll get back to you if i found something.

Please mark this issue as blocked or close it if you like.

The fact that there is no such thing as a "SRT spec" justifies us not calling this a bug, but I guess I could agree it would be an enhancement. VLC's implementation of SRT for example does properly show HTML character entities such as ' and &. It shouldn't be too complicated to add support for this in pycaption. I can't work on it right now, but I can take a look in the near future. In any case you can always make a pull request, hvedamurthy. Just make sure to add tests :)