
Option for side by side diff

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for the awesome tool. can you please add an option for side by side diff.

pbu88 commented

Hi @pranayrauthu, sorry for the late response. I will find time to work on this. I'm looking for feedback about Diffy as well. Do you have any other features that you find useful? Also, I'd like to know how are you using the tool and how did you find it. I don't have a survey to fill the info in :-/ , but if you are willing to answer it you can shoot me an email: paulobu88 at gmail dot com or answer here :-) Cheers!

Hello pbu88,

I found your tool through google. I was frustrated by my inability to read diff files well and losing track of what <<<< and >>>> was referencing to.

The color coding and the folders on the left are super helpful and not something I would have immediately thought of when navigating my changes, but seeing that along with all the files as their own separate thing was super intuitive.

Thanks for making such a great website.