
Add inline comments to the diff

pbu88 opened this issue · 1 comments

pbu88 commented

Everything should be via Ajax. A user will click in a line and the table will expand to show a text area and a text input to include the name. After saving, the comment should show up to everyone. The comment should be markdown syntax

  • Investigate how a library like AngularJS could help us in the frontend work
  • Create html style for the comments, the conversation should be stacked
  • Create all the frontend logic for the comments
  • Find out a library and create the code to parse Markdown (frontend better, but not sure)
  • Create the views for the backend
  • Create the code that stores the comment in the database
  • The comments will be stored in the mongo doc under inlineComments field
    • Basically it should be something like:

         inlineComments: {
             line: <line number>
             filename: <filename>  // btw, I'm thinking how to add ID's to the files, it would be so much better
             name: <the name of the one that commented>
             text: <the text of the comment>
             created: <the date of the comment>
  • Comments should appear in real time for multiple users viewing the diff at the same time (no need to refresh)
pbu88 commented

Closing for now since this is not a priority currently.