
gmaps 404 on .js

jonahbrennan opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm able to load a java script into the infobox of a gmap in jupyter notebook. When I embed the html and load the map online, the map loads but the infoboxes no longer load. nothing happens when I click the location.

I get the attached errors in inspector. I'm running conda with a recent pip install of nbextensions and gmaps. I saw some other issues with the same error but not sure if it's related. I also noticed the same error when I load a map that has no java associated with it.


a link to the broken map
I don't think my conda install was what was recommend from the docs here:
conda install -c conda-forge gmaps
I;ve tried it on a couple different hosts with the same error.

I'm unsure what this is supposed to be. I tried using my java script but that didn't work. All I see is the .html output file which loads the map but not the infoboxes with the java.