upgrading filebeat major_version takes multiple puppet runs
robertc99 opened this issue · 0 comments
You can get the module to upgrade filebeat by changing the major_version and setting package_ensure to latest.
However, it takes 3 puppet runs to do so. The first updates the repo definition. The second upgrades the filebeat rpm. The 3rd updates the input config to a filestream (assuming your coming from 6 to 8).
I can persuade puppet to force the package upgrade by doing an exec of "yum upgrade filebeat" after calling the filebeat module.
However that still wont get it to update the input config since that depends on the filebeat_version fact and facts values are instanciated at puppet start, so don't change even though the version of the package has been upgraded.
The usage of a filebeat_version fact also causes and issue for the filebeat 6 case on initial install. The fact will be false as there's no filebeat package at puppet start. This causes it to default to the prospector input template which is incompatible with filebeat 6.
Most of the problems could be addressed by using the major_version parameter instead of the filebeat_version fact. But that will cause more problems unless the package will actually updated to match the major_version.