
editor interface?

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So, this looks like an awesome project, but when I write latex in my favorite editor (vscode), how would I search through the bibmanager database to get the citekey? Anybody created an extension yet for any of the better editors? (Textmate2, SublimeText, Atom, VSCode?)

Sorry, I'm a vim guy. But I would be happy to have/help contributors!

i think if you have a working vim plugin, it shouldn't be too hard to use it as a template for a vscode plugin. Can you point me to it?

Hmm, I don't use a plugin. I just edit the text on vim/emacs, and then compile from the terminal with a couple of bash functions I set up. Like this:

latbibdo () { latexcl $*; lblll $* ; latpdf $* & }
latexcl () { rm -f $*.bbl $*.blg $*Notes.bib $*.out $*.dvi $*.log $*.aux $*.lof $*.lot $*.toc $*.ps $*.pdf; }
lblll () { latex $* ; bibtex $* ; latex $* ; latex $* ; latex $*; }
latpdf () { dvips -R0 -P pdf -t letter -f $* | pspdfembed - - > $*.pdf & }
pspdfembed () { ps2pdf -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true $*; }

which is basically what I implemented into the bibmanager latex compiler.

But how do you know the cite key when you edit your latex?

I was thinking compiling, but I realized you mean searching (or in general, any kind of interaction). Well, anyway, I can't help much. I edit text on vim/emacs, but do all else (searching/compiling/etc) through the terminal.

OK, I was quickly checking up vscode, it looks kinda cool.
Note to myself (or anyone interested), this seems like a good starting point to develop a bibmanager-vscode plugin:

@michaelaye The LaTeX Workshop extension for vscode provides autocompletion on bibtex keys.