
[Question] Error: Cannot use origin without a scheme: /api/packages/versions/newUpload

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Hi, I need to install unpub on my internal server with Ubuntu. This is the step I do to install it:

  • On a dev machine clone this git repo and create an executible (fixing th String error): dart compile exe unpub/bin/unpub
  • Install this executile in my server and create a systemd configuration file with this command /path/to/unpub --database mongodb://localhost:27017/dart_pub --proxy-origin pub.mydomain.com
  • Create the folder unpub-packages in the same directory of the executible
  • Set folder premision to user www-data (the same that lanch unpub)
  • Create a nginx configuration for reverse proxy.

Unpub start succesfuly and i can see the homepage.

Now I need to publish my library to it so:

  • Edit pubspec.yaml and add publish_to: https://pub.myserver.com
  • Set Token with dart pub token add https://pub.myserver.com
  • Push library with dart pub publish

The publish process start, ask me to confirm that I want to publish my library but after select y I get this error:

Do you want to publish std02 1.0.0 (y/N)? y
Bad state: Cannot use origin without a scheme: /api/packages/versions/newUpload
dart:core                                          _SimpleUri.origin
package:pub/src/http.dart 82:23                    _PubHttpClient._shouldAddMetadata
package:pub/src/http.dart 48:9                     _PubHttpClient.send
package:http/retry.dart 109:33                     RetryClient.send
package:pub/src/http.dart 175:39                   _ThrowingClient.send
package:pub/src/http.dart 379:31                   _ThrottleClient.send
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
package:pub/src/authentication/client.dart 52:24   _AuthenticatedClient.send
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
package:pub/src/command/lish.dart 114:44           LishCommand._publishUsingClient.<fn>
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
package:pub/src/command/lish.dart 91:7             LishCommand._publishUsingClient
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
package:pub/src/authentication/client.dart 133:12  withAuthenticatedClient
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
package:pub/src/command/lish.dart 184:9            LishCommand._publish
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
package:pub/src/command/lish.dart 241:7            LishCommand.runProtected
This is an unexpected error. The full log and other details are collected in:


Consider creating an issue on https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/issues/new
and attaching the relevant parts of that log file.

What i made wrong?

Thanks a lot.

Can you paste the full log in /Users/user/.pub-cache/log/pub_log.txt ?