
Bug: Cordova iOS - QEditor fullscreen mode overlaps statusbar

nicholaszuccarelli opened this issue · 6 comments

Toggling the QEditor to fullscreen mode will overlap the iOS statusbar when running via Cordova (pictured below).
Basically becomes impossible to exit fullscreen.

No problems on Android Cordova


Is it different in original v1 (or v2)?
It should also happen the same for:

  • QCarousel (fullscreen)
  • QTable (fullscreen)

Unfortunately I cannot test Cordova/Capacitor on iOS, so I'll try something in blind :)

Please try quasar-pdan-v1.16.3-beta.4 and tell me if it fixes anything.

Will test this too. I'll check on the app running orignal v1.16 and report back.

Okay so this is a problem on original v1.16 as well.
The change you made in beta 4 did not work.

If I could suggest a solution, apply the following CSS somehow (might need to be included for those other components as well):

.q-editor.fullscreen {
  padding-top: env(safe-area-inset-top);

I have a more complex solution to this implemented within my app, so if this solution is not feasible then I can probably just add a fix manually myself.

Fixed! Thank you :)