Bug: QMenu popping up in incorrect position
nicholaszuccarelli opened this issue · 6 comments
A small code repro, please.
Please check if quasar-pdan-v1.16.3-beta.4 fixes it.
Please recheck also #10 (the part about the position of the menus in dialog) to see if we didn't break it.
No worries. Will check now. If there are any issues I'll add the broken changes to the git project.
Okay so the original problem has been fixed in beta 4, however the way the QMenu interacts is still not perfect on desktop.
In this video, comparing original v1.16 to beta 4, you can see that as I scroll the page on v1.16, the QMenu will recalculate its position, however on beta 4 it will stay in the same position (under or over) the button.
This is by design, in my version menu/tooltip works like this:
- if the anchor element is fixed positioned in page than uses as canvas size the screen
- else it uses the document (including the scroll outside of screen)
So now if you have space to scroll the menu into view than the menu is still rendered in the same position
I see, fair enough :)
Personally it feels a little weird because in dialogs/anchor elements they act the same whereas the document is different. But it is fine otherwise. (Feel free to close if you want).
Anyway, I tested it on PC, iOS and Android and they are all working fine now! Happy days.