
Package pdffiller/public-rest-api-validation-rules does not exist

SBrownAU opened this issue · 4 comments

Can't seem to install this dependency via Composer in any version (even with minimum-stability dev flag)?

Problem 1
    - The requested package pdffiller/public-rest-api-validation-rules could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.

That's strange. It works for me:

#bash  composer info pdffiller/public-rest-api-validation-rules

name     : pdffiller/public-rest-api-validation-rules
descrip. : Validation rules for PDFfiller API endpoints data.
keywords :
versions : * 1.0.3
type     : library
source   : [git] https://github.com/pdffiller/public-rest-api-validation-rules.git d1444d01bef931a0655567ac3a7780aa71d94aff
dist     : [zip] https://api.github.com/repos/pdffiller/public-rest-api-validation-rules/zipball/d1444d01bef931a0655567ac3a7780aa71d94aff d1444d01bef931a0655567ac3a7780aa71d94aff
names    : pdffiller/public-rest-api-validation-rules

Hmm, nope, not here unfortunately:

  Package pdffiller/public-rest-api-validation-rules not found

Don't know if this is indicative either, but over on https://packagist.org/packages/pdffiller/pdffiller-php-api-client there's no hyperlink on this package in the list of requires.

Try now

Working now, thanks. Closing.