
Read field values: attached an extension to your code to do this

calexanderbynum opened this issue · 0 comments

Figured you might want to add this in. Super helpful for sending out fillable pdf's and then reading the data.

Some extras in here, such as the include, because I overrode your function with mine so when/if I update your code it won't break.

I am kinda bad at regex so please criticize and make changes as you see fit.

pdfFiller.generateFieldJson = function( sourceFile, nameRegex, callback){
var execFile = require('child_process').execFile;
var regName = /FieldName: ([^\n])/,
regType = /FieldType: ([A-Za-z\t .]+)/,
regFlags = /FieldFlags: ([0-9\t .]+)/,
regValue = /FieldValue: ([A-Za-z0-9!@#$%^&
()_+-=[]{};':"\|,.<>/?\t .]+)/,
fieldArray = [],
currField = {};

if(nameRegex !== null && (typeof nameRegex) == 'object' ) regName = nameRegex;

execFile( "pdftk", [sourceFile, "dump_data_fields_utf8"], function (error, stdout, stderr) {
    if (error) {
        console.log('exec error: ' + error);
        return callback(error, null);
    fields = stdout.toString().split("---").slice(1);
        currField = {};

        currField['title'] = field.match(regName)[1].trim() || '';

            currField['fieldType'] = field.match(regType)[1].trim() || '';
        }else {
            currField['fieldType'] = '';

            currField['fieldFlags'] = field.match(regFlags)[1].trim()|| '';
            currField['fieldFlags'] = '';
            currField['fieldValue'] = field.match(regValue)[1].trim()|| '';
            currField['fieldValue'] = 'no match';


    return callback(null, fieldArray);
