
strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Bug description

After updating from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 it causes an error:

strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given

  at vendor/pdir/contao-survey/src/Resources/contao/elements/ContentSurvey.php:88
  at Hschottm\SurveyBundle\ContentSurvey->compile()
  at Contao\ContentElement->generate()
  at Hschottm\SurveyBundle\ContentSurvey->generate()
  at Contao\Controller::getContentElement(object(ContentModel), 'main')
  at Contao\ModuleArticle->compile()
  at Contao\Module->generate()
  at Contao\ModuleArticle->generate(false)
  at Contao\Controller::getArticle(object(ArticleModel), false, false, 'main')
  at Contao\Controller::getFrontendModule(0, 'main')
  at InheritArticleBundle\EventListener\InheritArticleListener->getRenderedInheritedArticles(88, 'main')
  at InheritArticleBundle\EventListener\InheritArticleListener->onGetArticles(88, 'main')
  at Contao\Controller::getFrontendModule('0', 'main')
  at Contao\PageRegular->prepare(object(PageModel))
  at Contao\PageRegular->getResponse(object(PageModel), true)
  at Contao\FrontendIndex->renderPage(object(PageModel))
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1)
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, true)
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->handle(object(Request))

Steps to reproduce

Its important to have an existing survey on page

Expected behavior

The page which containing the survey should be displayed without any error.



Survey: 3.4.2
PHP 7.4

Maybe a relation with: #25 ?

@akroii Can you test if
$surveyID = isset(Input::post('survey')) ? Input::post('survey') : $this->survey;
helps? I don't have an installation here right now. That would then surely have to be changed on all positions with \strlen(Input::post(...));.

I've changed a few lines in resources/ContentSurvey.php and dca/tl_survey_page.php with !empty() instead of isset() and it worked. Not sure the whole extension works correctly.

Possible fix: #29

This would have been fixed by #29. While that PR was merged - this follow-up commit 9eb849f undid some of these changes.

See #32 for follow-up PR.

Fixed in version 3.4.3. Thank you both!