
Do not display any other value if required values given

akroii opened this issue · 2 comments


in germany theres some laws to display car advertisments by Deutsche Umwelthilfe.
One of our costumers say that if the following values not given, the ad should not display:

<?php if(

  ($this->ad['fuelConsumption']) ||
  ($this->ad['fuelConsumptionSE']) ||
  ($this->ad['emission_fuel_consumption_co2_emission']) &&
  ($this->ad['specifics_fuel']) &&
  ($this->ad['emission_fuel_consumption_petrol_type']) &&
  ($this->ad['specifics_emission_sticker']) &&
  ($this->ad['specifics_emission_class']) &&
  ($this->ad['emission_fuel_consumption_energy_efficiency_class']) &&
  ): ?>

CO²-Ausstoß (g/km), Kraftstoffart, Benzin Typ, Feinstaubplakette, Schadstoffklasse, Energieeffizienzklasse, „Kombinierter elektrischer Energieverbrauch

These fields should be required in backend to protect from dissuasiveness.

We will add 2 new checkboxes to respond to the requirements of the Deutsche Umwelthilfe and the requirements of the WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light Duty Test Procedure).

Fixed in 3.3.0