Closed this issue · 4 comments
I think this is unrelated to this project. Closing. Feel free to join the group for discussion or email me.
Here I will give some options that could work:
Use a proxy or VPN to bypass the firewall (recommended and easiest)
Write an HTTPS Man-in-the-Middle to strip off the SNI extension from the TLS handshake from the browser. I hadn't found an implementation on Github yet. Maybe you need to write your own.
Use a browser that does not support TLS SNI extension. (The version would be really old and is not guaranteed to work) https://caniuse.com/#feat=sni
I think it is also possible to build a browser from source like chromium with modifications on the TLS handshake procedure.
Sorry, My English is very bad! Please speak Chinese!
- 科学×× 最简单也最有效
- 写一个HTTPS中间人,去除或伪造TLS握手中的SNI,没看到现成的方案你可能得自己写
- 用不支持SNI扩展的浏览器,版本实在实在很老,我开玩笑的
- 修改开源的浏览器如chromium在tls握手部分的源代码,去除sni然后重新编译