'Could not find required plugin "smrpg" Please help!
andylfc19931993 opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi, I'm getting this error when typing sm plugins list on my server. I've made sure the .smx files are all in sourcemod/addons/plugins, and added the line to my database.cfg.
Anyone know why this might be? Could really use your help. Thanks :)
mapchooser.smx (MapChooser): unexpected error 23 in AskPluginLoad callback
smrpg.smx (SM:RPG): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
smrpg_antisuicide.smx (SM:RPG > Anti-Selfkill): Could not find required plugin "smrpg"
smrpg_chatxpstats.smx (SM:RPG > Chat Experience Stats): Could not find required plugin "smrpg"
smrpg_commandlist.smx (SM:RPG > Command List): Could not find required plugin "smrpg"
smrpg_cstrike.smx (SM:RPG > Counter-Strike Experience Module): Could not find required plugin "smrpg"
smrpg_disablexp.smx (SM:RPG > Disable experience): Could not find required plugin "smrpg"
smrpg_gifting.smx (SM:RPG > Credit Gifting): Could not find required plugin "smrpg"
smrpg_keyhint_info.smx (SM:RPG > Key Hint Infopanel): Could not find required plugin "smrpg"
smrpg_resetstats.smx (SM:RPG > Reset interval): Could not find required plugin "smrpg"
smrpg_turbomode.smx (SM:RPG > Turbo Mode): Could not find required plugin "smrpg"
This is resolved. Folders in wrong place.