
Icestab cage beam effect not disappearing until map change

makson8601 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello, after freezing a player with a knife, this effect appears and there are a lot of them, since a lot of people use a knife, it does not disappear.
It only helps to change the map.

Hm, you can try disabling the effect for now using smrpg_icestab_visuals 0. TempEnts are clientside and I don't think there is a reliable way to kill them from the server without sideeffects. They should only stay for freeze time / 3 seconds and should at last be reset on round start though. Weird.

If disabled with smrpg_icestab_visuals 0, then it is not visible when the player is frozen, because when you freeze the player, the skin changes color to blue

How can I turn off the effect itself without changing the color of the skin?

Hm, then you have to comment out the line creating the beam cage and recompile the plugin :(

TE_SendFourBeamEffectToEnabled(fOrigin, 10.0, 10.0, 120.0, iBeamSprite, iHaloSprite, 0, 66, fFreezeTime/3.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0, 0.0, {0,0,255,255}, 0);

Okay, now I'll try to do it!

Really helped, everything works great!
Thank you!