
support: Custom Domain Support

elibroftw opened this issue · 3 comments


  • I am using the latest version of this action.
  • I have read the latest README and followed the instructions.
  • I have read the latest GitHub Actions official documentation and learned the basic spec and concepts.

Describe your question

My custom domain is removed every time I push to my default branch. There is no CNAME being created and it screws everything up. Is there a way to use a different branch than gh-pages? Something like hugo-public? That way github can remember my custom domain. As of now I feel like this action has wasted more time than saved me :(

Relevant links

Public repository:
YAML config:
YAML workflow:

Relevant log output

Additional context.


This issue has been LOCKED because of it being resolved!

The issue has been fixed and is therefore considered resolved.
If you still encounter this or it has changed, open a new issue instead of responding to solved ones.