
S5cmd cp and sync doesn't support --no-guess-mimetype

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When using s5cmd with the cp and sync command, I am not able to use option --no-guess-mimetype.
This option is available in awscli and is needed to skip guessing the mime type for uploaded files.
Can we add this option as it will help in uploading files where mime types are not defined or are different

Hi, if you know the filetypes ahead and don't want them to be inferred, you can use the content-type flag to set the type you want.

@denizsurmeli Thanks for replying. My service generates lot of custom data which have non-standard content-types and some are just raw data, so there is no way to set the content-type for each file while uploading. Also inferring or setting content-type will slow down the upload as the service is uploading large amount of data.

So, if I understood correctly, you don't want that the content-type to be set to anything. We don't currently support that, but will add this feature as a to-do. We would be happy to see you contribute by the way, if you want to work on a PR :). It's fairly a good issue for a first time contributor.