
utils find implementation error

pavlyuts opened this issue · 4 comments


There an arror in the code of find method, class util. As a result, it returns NOT comma separated, but just concatenated results, leading to any usage failure.

the path:

--- a/<html>Util.php (<b>Today 9:21:05</b>)</html>
+++ b/<html><b>Current File</b></html>
@@ -457,8 +457,8 @@
                     $idList .= strtolower(
                         ? $newId
-                        : stream_get_contents($newId) . ','
-                    );
+                        : stream_get_contents($newId)
+                    ) . ',';
             } elseif (is_callable($criteria)) {
                 $idCache = array();

Last I checked, this is already resolved in dev-develop.

Is it safe to use dev-develop in the producton?

If you use a composer.lock file, sure.

I mean, new commits may come at any point, though at this point, I'm only doing minor fixes until I make an actual tagged release (which will happen when I can generate a new PHAR, which is a bit tricky...).

A composer.lock will ensure you stay at a particular commit that you've verified in a non-production environment.

Thanks, clear!