
Unittest failures on i386 and bigendian arch

avalentino opened this issue · 3 comments

pearu commented

I agree that some of these errors are related to endianness as bittools assumes little endianess. This needs to be fixed.

The test_wordbits failure is related to the fact that the corresponding systems (e.g. i386) are 32-bit but the test assumed 64-bit system. The test is now fixed in the github repo.

Dear @pearu thank you for the feedback.

Just FYI currently in debian the bittools extension has been disabled in favour of the bitarray backend.
This seems to fix all build failures.

Do you think that the solution makes sense?
Is bitarray shower than bittools?

pearu commented

Actually, bitarray or bittools is used only in that is now deprecated in favor of much more efficient tif_lzw extension module. So, I think the solution in debian is quite fine.

I think someday I'll move bittools to a separate project and bitarray can be dropped altogether (as it is maintained elsewhere): issue #95 .