
Rename Repository

sGerli opened this issue · 7 comments

Rename the repository to the new store name "Rebble Store", preferably "RebbleStore".

Is it just my linux bias, or does anyone else have a vote for a lowercase style repo name?
ie: rebble-store

+1 for LC; rebble-store? :bowtie:


But I don't have admin privileges on this repo so I need @ishotjr to do it.

Renamed! Don't forget to update remotes, gh-pages links (I'll take care of, etc. :bowtie:

FYI I added a new repo whose description directs users to the new location, plus added gh-pages w/ quick JS redirects so that existing links (e.g. in blog posts that we don't have control over) will continue to work. :bowtie:

I'm not sure if the @github bot on Discord will still work - it "should" since the Webhooks are still in place - but LMK if it needs re-setting up etc. :bowtie:

@sGerli FYI re-added the repo to #appstore:

!dbg add pebble-dev/rebble-store
