
appMessagesKill does not kill app when called during willTerminate

jeradesign opened this issue · 1 comments

In my app WristVision, I have a UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification notification handler to terminated the watch app when the iPhone app exits. The hander eventually calls:

[self.targetWatch appMessagesKill:^(PBWatch *watch, NSError *error) {...}];

however, the watchapp never exits, and the callback is never called.

This code worked (and continues to work) fine with versions of the iOS SDK prior to 3.0.

Does that change when you use UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification instead?

Trying to do communication in UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification is likely to fail (may it be Bluetooth or web requests). Especially since BLE won't work when you go into background and don't have the UIBackgroundModes set accordingly.