Cannot see the results
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I'm new to Euphoria, so I may be making some stupid mistake...
I open wee using "eui wee".
I write and save a simple loop:
for i = 1 to 10 do
? i
end for -
But when I run the loop, a console flashes (appears and disappears instantaneously) and I cannot see the result.
On the other hand, I write the same loop on edx.ex oppened inside a console, esc to menu, press eui (run), the console comes over the editor and shows the result (i.e., prints a column of number 1 to 10). I hit esc and get back to the editor.
On the Run menu, check the option "Wait for Keypress after Run in Terminal"
My apologies, I mistakenly assumed Linux when I saw "eui". Wee for Linux has that option, but Windows does not. The simplest solution is to put "include std/console.e" with your includes and "maybe_any_key()" as the last statement of your program.
It works fine*, and that's enough for now, while learning.
Thank you very much for your help and for your software.
Best regards.
*Even if WEE is opened using >start "eui" "wee.exw", which allows to close the console keeping the editor open.