
Support for Vue.js and React.js

domi91c opened this issue · 4 comments

I think this plugin would be perfect for component based Javascript frameworks. It already handles the references, but doesn't seem to pick up the definitions based on file name.

Can you provide explanation and example? Is you looking for export var or smth?

Sorry, I didn't clarify. I meant for component tags inside the templates in Vue, for example.

For a template like the following, it'd be great if I could hover on my-record, and have AnyJump list the MyRecord component under Definitions. So far I haven't been able to find any Vim plugins that do this, even Vetur the Vue LSP doesn't seem to do this.

   <div id="app">
      <div class="group connectionState">
        Connection-State is: <em id="connection-state">{{connectionState}}</em>
      <my-record :ds="ds"></my-record>
      <my-events :ds="ds"></my-events>
      <my-rpc :ds="ds"></my-rpc>

can you try to use visual mode and AnyJump after this?

Снимок экрана 2020-12-08 в 03 42 51

Would be nice to make it work for React.js components.