
Images on top of the parallaxed image stop being responsive

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, is there any workaround for this? I'm trying to put an image over the parallaxed image (a logo). When I try it without a parallaxed image it is responsive, but stops working when on top of it.

Can you please post a link and I will have a look at it?

Hi, since we are developing our new website right now, I can't share you the link of the website I'm using it.

So I made a a test page to get an idea:
Above you can see Parallax-ImageScroll (logo not responsive) and below without it (logo img responsive)

Hi, the problem is that the plugin makes the image holder container wider than the screen (to center the image and comply to the cover ratio). The headerwrap div's parent is thus wider than the screen. Unfortunately, I do not know how to make your headerwrap div max width of the window width without using javascript.

But as stated the animation is choppy on tablets and mobile phones, so you should probably set the touch option to true for these devices. In touch mode the images won't strecth outside the browser window and you can easily scale the images responsively.