ST_SplitAgg example
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello! Thank you @pedrogit for this awesome collection of PostGIS enhancements. I have a use case for ST_SplitAgg
and am excited to use it.
When I ran the first example for ST_SplitAgg
I got this error:
ERROR: column reference "geom" is ambiguous
LINE 10: SELECT DISTINCT ON (ST_AsEWKB(geom)) unnest(ST_SplitAgg(a.g...
I replaced geom
with a.geom
and that seems to have resolved it. If it's helpful, I'm on Postgres 15.2.
I can do a PR to update the example. I have a few other questions about how ST_SplitAgg
works and might keep adding to this thread, if that's OK.
Is there a reason the example does GROUP BY ST_AsEWKB(a.geom)
and not GROUP BY a.geom
? I'm working with a very large polygon layer and just thinking of some optimizations...!
When I make this change to the example, I'm getting what I believe are the same geoms and the same number of rows. I'm wondering if there are any other side effects I'm not thinking of, though 🤔
I guess, at the time, the == operator on geom, which is used by GROUP BY, did not make equivalent polygons (having the same footprint but having vextexes not in the same order) equals . I think it might have been fixed in PostGIS at some point. I think I wrote to postgis-user about this at some point.
I fixed the example.