
maximum number

WolfHuntKfs opened this issue · 3 comments

How to increase the maximum number of characters in a response?

Hello Wolf.

Twitch has a token limit of 400 characters.

Currently the project is limited to a third-party to make requests, therefore, we are not able to split the answer.

is it possible to give instructions in the file_context.txt like: use a maximum of 400 characters? I tried, but failed in this, but maybe i didnt used the right instructions. So far I can see in the javascript file; there is already a sort of character / word split ; maybe its possible to break up the response in to multiple onces. I guess there is also a limitation due to the fact that there are limitations in data transport with GET and POSTS?

Hello @R0B3RDV.
We are splitting yes, so it doesn't show on twitch "Message too long" or something similar.
And yes. That is a limitation related to Nightbot. We might be able to overcome it if we develop, in the future, our own service.