
Initial Roster with LoL champions

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  • 12 initial heroes, 6 for each game
  • 8 unlocks, 4 for each game
  • 6 items per tier, 3 from each game
  • Normalize images from skills and items


  • Teemo (delayed DoT)
  • Lee sin (strong physical nuke)
  • Caitlyn (assassinate)
  • Ashe (homing missile)
  • Draven (nuke + possible extra damage)
  • Veigar (nuke based on missing health)
  • Tryndamere (passive that makes you invincible)
  • Annie (DOT)
  • Syndra (damage based on spells cast)
  • Nasus (super buff for 3 turns)



  1. Lightning bolt (mp nuke)
  2. Death Pulse (regen, atk nuke)
  3. Shuriken Toss (atk nuke)
  4. Echo Stomp (atk hp nuke)
  5. Mana Burn (atk mp nuke)
  6. Blade Fury (atk nuke)
  7. Double Edge (atk nuke)
  8. Counter Helix (tank passive)
  9. Phase Shift (int passive)
  10. Jinada (power passive for physical)


  1. Defile (mp damage)
  2. Spell Flux (atk nuke, power)
  3. Chomp (steals ak, nuke, anti dmg)
  4. Sweeping Blade (atk nuke, low cd)
  5. Transfusion (hp nuke, regen, lifesteal)
  6. Decimate (regen)
  7. Wuju Style (small nuke + power)
  8. Rising Spell Force (power passive for skills)
  9. Hemorrage (damage passive for physical)
  10. Sap Magic (regen passive for physical)