
No way to bind several model classes using RendererBuilder.bind

roshakorost opened this issue · 1 comments

In rendererBuilder there are 2 methods, that have wired signature.

public RendererBuilder<T> bind(Class<T> clazz, Renderer<T> prototype)
public RendererBuilder<T> bind(Class<T> clazz, Class<? extends Renderer> prototypeClass)

This signature doesn't allow to bind model classes that extends to T to some prototype.
For example in case when we have class A and class B, where B extends A, if we create RendererBuilder<A> we can only bind class A to some prototype. There is no way to bind class B, because Class<B> doesn't extends Class<A>.

I suggests to change signature of these methods to

public <G extends T> RendererBuilder<T> bind(Class<G> clazz, Renderer<G> prototype)
public <G extends T> RendererBuilder<T> bind(Class<G> clazz, Class<? extends Renderer> prototypeClass)

This would allow to bind deferent subclasses of T to renderers.

Seems a better approach. Can you send a PR with your approach to review it deeply?