
Undefined method RootDoc::packageName()

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Whenever I try to generate my documentation for this project:

I get the following error:

I get that error just for my project, if I try to generate docs for your cloned phpdoctor it works well.
Here's my config:

The command I run: php phpdoc.php yacms.ini

This happens in both cases(if I use the archive or git clone)

I ran into the same issue. The problem is when declaring global constants using the const keyword, PHPDoctor treats this as a class constant and expects a class name to exist as the owner of the constant. This is partly because of an issue with token_get_all() (what PHPDoctor uses to tokenize) and how it parses -- though I reported it as bug #55447 and it was marked as bogus.

The gist you posted shows a problem in global_const.php and looking at the file I can see one constant being declared using the const keyword. A workaround for the time being would be to use define() for all global constants.

Ideally PHPDoctor would need to be modified to make a distinction for the const keyword when not found within a class definition.