
Update project bundler

kazzkiq opened this issue · 1 comments

At the time of conception of this project, Brunch was used as bundler. But now it's prime time has since past and the project is not so active anymore, which leads to bugs hard to solve, and features that never come making projects based on it hard to mantain. Small community also doesn't helps with it's survival rate.

The main two options for replacement today are:

Both are rocking for years now and have super active community and plugins support. Webpack feels more like a cannon to kill a fly, since it's so full of features. Rollup is like a light fast car that delivers what it needs to.

We should discuss here which one to use for this project.

My vote goes for Rollup, since I already use it extensively, and since I'm basically the only front-end dev here who cares, if no one else gets involved we will eventually pick it up.

Everyone is more than welcome to argue.

I have no experience with Rollup, so I'll leave it up to you.