
open files on different platforms

bzz opened this issue · 5 comments

bzz commented

Thank you for sharing the code for this tool!

Right now, it includes a hard-coded calls to linux-specific tool'xdg-open', XXX)).

It would be nice to have other platforms supposted (e.g. mac OS) by refactoring that to the logic similar to that calls the right tool on each platform.

Otherwise, right now, on mac OS the tool works, but one can not open any file as there is no xdg-open binary.

Thanks for your comment and the very useful link. I want to test windows as well but I don't have mac OS. I will implement it accordingly to the link posted above (without testing) for mac OS and comment it here when the implementation is published.

It seems that remapy crashs OSX. I just installed remapy on my mac using the file and launched it using the Next thing that happens is that my mac logs out and I need to log in back.
Maybe just add a small warning to your readme.

It seems that remapy crashs OSX. I just installed remapy on my mac using the file and launched it using the Next thing that happens is that my mac logs out and I need to log in back.
Maybe just add a small warning to your readme.

Thank you for this important information, I added a comment to the Readme.

This should now be fixed...

For those that still have an issue with xdg-open, change 'xdg-open' to 'open' in remapy/gui/