
A python implementation of the netatmo api

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Netatmo python client

The python-netatmo-client repo contains a Python client library for Netatmo.


From pip

$ pip install netatmo-client

From sources

To build the library run :

$ python setup.py install

How to use it

First of all you must declare your own application and get your client id and client secret.

Build an instance

from netatmo_client.client import NetatmoClient
scopes = ('read_station',
client_id = 'client id'
client_secret = 'client secret'
client = NetatmoClient(client_id, client_secret)

Get the tokens

The library provides you two way of logging the client

Grant code process

Providing that you declared http://somewhere.org/callback/grant/code as a redirect uri on the netatmo site, you may get your tokens using the grant code way with a code like follows.

client = NetatmoClient('client-id', 'client-secret')
scopes = ('read_station',
redirect_uri = 'http://somewhere.org/callback/grant/code'
grant_url = client.generate_auth_url(redirect_uri, 'state-test', *scopes)
    .write("Open the following url ( %s ), follow the steps and enter the code you will see in the navigation bar: "
           % grant_url)
code = sys.stdin.readline()
code = code.rstrip('\r\n')
client.request_token_with_code(code, redirect_uri, *scopes)
# use the api
print json.dumps(client.station.get_station_data())

The user will be lead to the grant code process and return to your site with a url such as http://somewhere.org/callback/grant/code?code=<your code>&state=state-test. Then normally a webserver of yours handles the GET request, and exchanges the code using the same redirect uri as above.

Client credentials

You may also choose this process as follows:

client = NetatmoClient('client-id', 'client-secret')
scopes = ('read_station',
client.request_token_with_client_credentials('username', 'password', *scopes)
# use the api
print json.dumps(client.thermostat.get_thermostat_data())

The api calls

The client defines three parts:

  • common:
    • get_measure
  • public:
    • get_public_data
  • station:
    • get_station_data
  • thermostat:
    • get_thermostat_data
    • create_new_schedule
    • set_therm_point
    • switch_schedule
    • sync_schedule
  • welcome
    • get_camera_picture
    • get_events_until
    • get_next_events
    • get_home_data
    • get_last_event_of
    • add_webhook
    • drop_webhook
    • ping

Issues and contributions

Please submit issue/pull request.