
[PM-1978] amazon region is not being picked up correctly when creating a s3 bucket

Closed this issue · 8 comments

It seems like pegasus-s3 does not create a bucket in a region other than us-east-1

In my credentials.conf I have 


endpoint =
region = us-east-2


However, when I use pegasus-s3 with the above credentials file the bucket still gets created in us-east-1. 
truncated pegasus-s3 debug log below


pegasus-s3 -d mkdir s3://bamboo@amazon/vahi-test
2024-09-25 10:42:12,508:DEBUG:botocore.hooks(238): Event before-call.s3.HeadBucket: calling handler <function inject_api_version_header_if_needed at 0x7fa9fd811620>
2024-09-25 10:42:12,508:DEBUG:botocore.endpoint(114): Making request for OperationModel(name=HeadBucket) with params: {'url_path': '/vahi-test', 'query_string': {}, 'method': 'HEAD', 'headers': {'User-Agent': 'Boto3/1.23.10 Python/3.6.8 Linux/4.18.0-553.16.1.el8_10.x86_64 Botocore/1.26.10'}, 'body': b'', 'url': '', 'context': {'client_region': 'us-east-1', 'client_config': <botocore.config.Config object at 0x7fa9fd302358>, 'has_streaming_input': False, 'auth_type': None, 'signing': {'bucket': 'vahi-test'}}}
024-09-25 10:42:12,900:DEBUG:botocore.parsers(239): Response headers: {'x-amz-id-2': 'zMRPoQFzhTfuqZPWXZhhus+AxlXZHsVeuJh8SQVmzqLPkskth9Y5OTX4F3zWAkasKGHRCz+JM3Dv1ho4931LsmBk+PjT8jAN', 'x-amz-request-id': 'D5TP5E9MQNPZB9BC', 'Date': 'Wed, 25 Sep 2024 17:42:13 GMT', 'Location': '/vahi-test', 'Server': 'AmazonS3', 'Content-Length': '0'}
2024-09-25 10:42:12,900:DEBUG:botocore.parsers(240): Response body:
2024-09-25 10:42:12,900:DEBUG:botocore.hooks(238): Event needs-retry.s3.CreateBucket: calling handler <botocore.retryhandler.RetryHandler object at 0x7fa9fd214eb8>
2024-09-25 10:42:12,900:DEBUG:botocore.retryhandler(211): No retry needed.
2024-09-25 10:42:12,900:DEBUG:botocore.hooks(238): Event needs-retry.s3.CreateBucket: calling handler <bound method S3RegionRedirector.redirect_from_error of <botocore.utils.S3RegionRedirector object at 0x7fa9fd214fd0>>


The s3 web ui also confirms buckets gets created in us-east-1

Reporter: @vahi

Author: @vahi

this came, while debugging a user setup where they have this in their ~/.aws/config file


cat ~/.aws/config
region = us-east-2


That itself was triggering this error for me with 5.0.9dev

ROR: Command exited with non-zero exit code (1): /usr/bin/pegasus-s3 mkdir s3://vahi@amazon/titan2d-workdir-bucket-vahi 2024-09-24 19:40:33,144 INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024-09-24 19:40:33,145 INFO: Starting transfers - attempt 2 2024-09-24 19:40:35,149 INFO: /usr/bin/pegasus-s3 mkdir s3://vahi@amazon/titan2d-workdir-bucket-vahi 2024-09-24 19:40:35,669 INFO: An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Bad Request An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Bad Request 2024-09-24 19:40:35,669 ERROR: Command exited with non-zero exit code (1): /usr/bin/pegasus-s3 mkdir s3://vahi@amazon/titan2d-workdir-bucket-vahi


And looking into that led me to this which gave me a clue


Removing the region from ~/.aws/config makes the error


Bad Request An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation:

 go away

Author: @vahi

Specifying the region in the endpoint also does not work

$ more ~/.pegasus/credentials.conf
#endpoint =
endpoint =

we get an error

aise error_class(parsed_response, operation_name)
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Bad Request

this is because the request header constructed still refers to us-east-1


headers={'User-Agent': b'Boto3/1.23.10 Python/3.6.8 Linux/4.18.0-553.16.1.el8_10.x86_64 Botocore/1.26.10', 'X-Amz-Date': b'20240925T205445Z', 'X-Amz-Content-SHA256': b'e3b0c44298f
c1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855', 'Authorization': b'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=xxx/20240925/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;
x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=bf895e5b20069ec11307934d1b232e84cc434df46e4ab3fc8bc31030d1029293', 'amz-sdk-invocation-id': b'15cc718c-547d-4902-8c0c-8bce7faeee2d', 'am
z-sdk-request': b'attempt=1'}>


note credential is us-east-1.

Author: @vahi

To get this working, in pegasus-s3 we need to do  the following



2. when creating a bucket specify a location constraint

s3.create_bucket(Bucket=dest.bucket, CreateBucketConfiguration={"LocationConstraint": "us-east-2"})


  1.  in the credentials.conf have the region specific endpoint


endpoint =

Author: @vahi

Also, if region is specified in ~/.aws/config ,


region = us-east-2                                                                                                                                                                                           

then also we see this error

2024-09-30 12:12:39,865    INFO:  /usr/bin/pegasus-s3 mkdir s3://user@amazon/vahi-test
        2024-09-30 12:12:40,574    INFOAn error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Bad Request
        An error occurred (400) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Bad Request
        2024-09-30 12:12:40,575   ERRORCommand exited with non-zero exit code (1): /usr/bin/pegasus-s3 mkdir s3://user@amazon/vahi-test

commenting it out fixes it

Author: @vahi

@rynge my changes work fine with s3. and also updated the credentials.conf documentation here []


can you please check if other protocols that we rely on boto3 for work and close the ticket

Author: @vahi

we still need special handling for us-east-1

we should not set any create bucket configuration for us-east-1

Author: @vahi

@rynge can you test the changes against OSN and then close the issue?

rynge commented

OSN tested, and works well!