
Can't run PEGA Log Viewer

Junicavi opened this issue · 9 comments

I've been trying to run the app, but when I run the batch, the windows command pops up, but nothing happens, I've Java 8 installed, and the JAVA_HOME variable set up on my Windows 11 Environmen settings

vargm commented

Hi @Junicavi,
from windows, open the command prompt.
cd to the "\bin" folder.
then execute the batch file ".\pega-logviewer.bat".
check what error is displayed on the command prompt.

Also check the "logs" folder for logs and errors.

Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap

That's the error

vargm commented

it looks like you dont have enough ram on the system. by default the tool uses max 2G heap.
you can update the heap settings in "pega-logviewer.bat" file.
in the DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS look for options "-Xms1G" "-Xmx2G".
if you want to reduce it you could set -Xmx to 1G,
But this will cause out of memory errors when you load a bigger log files or more number of log file at the same time.

I've 16Gb, I don't think that's the problem

vargm commented

May be your current memory usage is high and there may not be enough free memory to allocate further 2GB.

It's is not

As you see in the image, there almost 8Gb and the error remains the same

vargm commented

Can you also check if your java is 64bit?,
check this by running "java -version" command on the command prompt