
Understanding the plugin and where is .xcodeproj

RWOverdijk opened this issue · 2 comments

The following question is probably pretty stupid, but I don't have the answer.


I'm creating a plugin for an sdk that's not that popular yet, so there's no plugin for RN. I'm attempting to be the one writing it.

The short version

Where's foo.xcodeproj after running the create-bridge command?

The longer version

How does this all work? It's cool that the bridge gets created for me, but I'd like to know how it works. Why it works. I get the bridging stuff itself, I just don't know how this is all organized. How do I create the foo.xcodeproj dir? How do I make react-native link work for my third party sdk? Where does the sdk come from? Should I include it in the repository?

I'm sorry for the chaotic way I'm asking my question. It's mainly because I'm not sure what I should be asking.

Update: What does this plugin add other than react-native new-library --name foo? That seems pretty inclusive and has the .xcodeproj dir

Another update: I tried that command, but I can't for the life of me get react native to pick it up for me. NativeModules stays an empty project. Do I have to link it somewhere? I had to call react-native link specific-module-name

@RWOverdijk I don't think the goal of react-native-create-bridge is to create a separate library. It creates the bridge inside an existing RN project, that's why it doesn't need an xcodeproj.

To get an actual separate library, react-native-create-library is probably what you're looking for.

@peggyrayzis is there a plan to ask the user if he wants to get a standalone library instead of a bridge in an existing app?

I've solved this using the react-native command that makes the plugin for me.