🎉Mintbean Hackathon Winner🎉 Link here!
A Mario themed MS Paint clone.
- Connor Ashlock (https://www.linkedin.com/in/connorashlock/)
- Matthew Chen (https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-chen10/)
- Evelyn Pei (https://www.linkedin.com/in/evelyn-pei/)
- JavaScript ES5/ES6
- Bootstrap 4
- CSS3
- Canvas
- HTML2Canvas
- Media Queries
Try the application live at https://mariograffiti.evelynpei.com/
- User can see a blank wall
- User can select a color to paint with.
- User can hold down mouse and begin painting.
- User can select reticle size.
- User can save and download created image.
- User can clear wall and start over.
- User cannot erase work, but can paint over it.
- User can see instruction modal at start.
- User can select custom colors.
- User can listen to Mario song while painting.
Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/pei-evelyn/mintbean-graffiti.git cd mintbean-graffiti