
This is a Go library that provides a pool of socket connections for efficient reuse. It supports both plain TCP and TLS connections.

Primary LanguageGo

Socket Pool

This is a simple implementation of a socket pool in Go, which can be used to manage a pool of network socket connections for efficient reuse.


  • Supports both TCP and TLS connections
  • Lazy connection creation: connections are only created when needed
  • Configurable connection pool capacity
  • Thread-safe: can be used concurrently by multiple goroutines


To use this package in your Go project, you can simply run:

go get github.com/peienxie/go-socket-pool


To use the socket pool, you need to create a factory that implements SocketFactory interface, which is used to create new network socket connections. And use this factory to create a socket pool with a specific size.

type SocketFactory interface {
    CreateSocket() (net.Conn, error)

pool, err := NewSocketPool(size, factory)
if err != nil {
    // Handle error
defer pool.Close()

conn, err := pool.Get()
if err != nil {
    // Handle error
defer conn.Close()

// Use conn to send and receive data

Here's an example Factory implementation that creates TCP connections:

type SocketFactory struct {
    addr string

func NewSocketFactory(addr string) SocketFactory {
    return SocketFactory{addr: addr}

func (factory SocketFactory) CreateSocket() (net.Conn, error) {
    return net.Dial("tcp", factory.addr)

You can also create a Factory that creates TLS connections:

type TLSSocketFactory struct {
    addr   string
    config *tls.Config

func NewTLSSocketFactory(addr string, config *tls.Config) TLSSocketFactory {
    return TLSSocketFactory{addr: addr, config: config}

func (factory TLSSocketFactory) CreateSocket() (net.Conn, error) {
    return tls.Dial("tcp", factory.addr, factory.config)


First, You need to create a server private key and server certificate by using gen-cert.sh

Then, run the tests by using:

go test -v ./...

There is also a benchmark test that measures the performance:

go test ./... -bench=.

Benchmark result:

cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
BenchmarkNormalTcpConnectionWithSocketPool-8              101617         11564 ns/op
BenchmarkNormalTcpConnectionWithoutSocketPool-8            58092         53496 ns/op
BenchmarkTlsConnectionWithSocketPool-8                     82755         12546 ns/op
BenchmarkTlsConnectionWithoutSocketPool-8                   1826        659079 ns/op