
NoMethodError (undefined method `active_url' for a Controller...)

Closed this issue · 15 comments

'active_url' seems to be breaking the Gem in my rails 3.2.11.

What could be the issue?

/home.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392/gems/auto-session-timeout-0.9.2/lib/auto_session_timeout.rb:14:in `block in auto_session_timeout'

Did you add the proper routes?

match 'active'  => 'sessions#active',  via: :get
match 'timeout' => 'sessions#timeout', via: :get

Thanks...i solved this particular issue.

I am now getting a JS error..

TypeError: $.PeriodicalUpdater is not a function

this line after the else seems to be throwing the error.

$.PeriodicalUpdater('/active', {minTimeout:60000, multiplier:0, method:'get', verbose:2}, function(remoteData, success) {

Do you know what might be the issue, is the a library that your GEM depends on?

I hope its not too much to ask.

Do you have jQuery installed?

I do have jquery-rails installed and have implemented some of its function smoothly already.

You also need to install the periodical updater plugin:

This hasn't been documented in the README yet. Sorry about that.

(The original version of the gem used Prototype exclusively, and Prototype has a periodical updater built-in.)

Thanks Matthew

I was missing the JQuery-PeriodicalUpdater. All is working accordingly now.

Hi, I also get 'active_url' problem, /home.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392/gems/auto-session-timeout-0.9.2/lib/auto_session_timeout.rb:14:in `block in auto_session_timeout'.

How did you solve it?

I am unable to put
match 'active' => 'sessions#active', via: :get
match 'timeout' => 'sessions#timeout', via: :get
in routes.rb, with error no "match" method.

My routes.rb now looks like this:
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.resources :session

Are you using Rails 4? I haven't updated this gem in a long time. The latest version of Rails may not like the routing syntax. Something like this should work:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  get 'active' => 'sessions#active'
  get 'timeout' => 'sessions#timeout'

Yes, I am now using Rails 4.2.3 Ruby 1.9.3.

All my other routes.rb code is like :
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.resources :session

So I put
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do
get 'active' => 'sessions#active'
get 'timeout' => 'sessions#timeout'

at the end of routes.rb file, after tag. server has this error /home/weiming/maspore/config/routes.rb:130:in block in <top (required)>': undefined methodget' for main:Object (NoMethodError).

Thank you!

Don't use 2 blocks. Your routing file should only have a single block. And if you're truly on Rails 4.2 you shouldn't be passing map to the block anyway:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :session
  get 'active' => 'sessions#active'
  get 'timeout' => 'sessions#timeout'

Are you sure you're on Rails 4.2?

Yes, I am sure it is the Rails 4.2.3. I am maintaining the system so I am not sure how it is working like that. And the even though I replace the whole routes.rb file with
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do
It does not work.

Is it possible to be something like
map.resources :session
map.connect '/session/active', :controller => 'session', :action => 'active'
map.connect '/session/timeout', :controller => 'session', :action => 'timeout'

I'm not sure how it's working either. A fresh Rails 4.2.3 app has a routes block that looks like this:

Rails.application.routes.draw do

So I'm not sure how you ended up with the old style syntax. Did you upgrade this app from a previous version of Rails? I'd suggest trying the example I posted previously:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :session
  get 'active' => 'sessions#active'
  get 'timeout' => 'sessions#timeout'

If that still isn't working then you have something else going on in your app that's causing your routes not to work correctly. It doesn't appear to be an issue with my plugin.

Hi, I am not saying there is any problem with your plugin. Just asking for help on how to solve the problem. "get" is not a authorize method in my routes.rb under |map|. Is there any way to write the route config in |map| way to use the plugin?

Thank you!

Hi @pelargir, currently trying this gem out, and had this same issue with @zipho but got it resolved by adding:

match 'active'  => 'sessions#active',  via: :get
match 'timeout' => 'sessions#timeout', via: :get

My concern now is, after setting auto_session_timeout(5.minutes) in my application controller, nothing happens. I followed the steps and am unfamiliar as to what to do next. Is the timer starting? if so why don't I get timed-out after 5 minutes?

Glad you got it working. The routes you used are, incidentally, identical to the routes I suggest in the README. 😃

If you tail your Rails log file you should see a GET request to the #active controller action being sent every 60 seconds. If you aren't seeing this "heartbeat" then something is wrong. You're probably getting a JavaScript error. Open the developer console in Chrome or Safari to see the error.