
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A command line utility that will display the current market values of the Cryptocurrencies you care most about right in your terminal. EthReal utilizes data from the coinmarketcap.com top 100.


npm install ethreal -g




║ Crypto       │ USD      │ 24h    │ 7d     │ Holding   │ USD      ║
║ Bitcoin      │ $15477.3 │  8.5   │ -19.49 │ -         │ -        ║
║ Ethereum     │ $759.211 │  9.31  │  9.0   │ 2         │ $1518.42 ║
║ Bitcoin Cash │ $3448.4  │  19.08 │  90.88 │ 1         │ $3448.40 ║
║ Litecoin     │ $304.587 │  9.87  │  0.93  │ 0.1194417 │ $36.38   ║


All the configuration data is stored in a json file in your home directory ~/.ethreal


You can now calculate the value of your holdings automatically with EthReal. Holdings data is stored in the configuration file ~/.ethreal as a type float. No private data is saved or stored, just a number.

Set Holdings

Example setting bitcoin holdings to 1.2345

ethreal -s btc -i 1.2345
Add Holdings

Example adding 0.001234 to your bitcoin holdings

ethreal -a 0.001234 -s btc
Remove Holdings

Example removing 0.001234 from your bitcoin holdings

ethreal -r 0.001234 -s btc

Following a Cryptocurrency


Example, start following Bytecoin. the color option is optional. red will be used by default

ethreal -f bcn -c yellow

Example, stop following Bytecoin

ethreal -u bcn


Changing the color of a cryptocurrency row is easy.

ethreal -s btc -c blue
Available colors

black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, gray, grey, bgBlack, bgRed, bgGreen, bgYellow, bgBlue, bgMagenta, bgCyan, bgWhite, reset, bold, dim, italic, underline, inverse, hidden, strikethrough, rainbow, zebra, america, trap, random

Additional Options

ethreal -h

Supported Cryptocurrencies

EthReal is currently able to display the current market value in USD for the coincap.io top 100: