
Primary LanguageShell


Replace the contents of your .bash_profile with the following after you clone the project to your home directory.

##### Enable bash_profile ###########
if [ -f ~/profile/bash_profile ]; then
source ~/profile/bash_profile

##### Enable bash_functions ###########
if [ -f ~/profile/bash_functions ]; then
source ~/profile/bash_functions

##### Enable bash_aliases ###########
if [ -f ~/profile/bash_aliases ]; then
source ~/profile/bash_aliases

Create an alias for the gitconfig

ln -nfs ~/profile/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig

Create an alias for the gitignore_global

ln -nfs ~/profile/gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global

Create an alias for the vimrc

ln -nfs ~/profile/vimrc ~/.vimrc

Create an alias for vi directory

ln -nfs ~/profile/vim ~/.vim

Create an ssh config that sources all configs

echo -e "Host *\n   AddKeysToAgent yes\n   UseKeychain yes\n   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa\n\nInclude config.d/*.config" > ~/.ssh/config

Environment Install

you can clone the homebrew shell script directly if thats all you need

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peledies/profile/master/homebrew.sh && chmod +x homebrew.sh