
Problem with forward gocoding results

wsukta opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello guys, I use Pelias in docker and I have some problem with forward geociding . The problems is when I geocode addres from same city on the same street, the geocoder returns incomplete informations. I present this situtaion based on two addres example like :

  1. Słoneczna 1 Myślenice [street,city,number]
  2. Słoneczna 4 Myślenice [street,city,number]

So when i geoocde the first addres the gecoder returns :

{u'geometry': {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [19.947045, 49.836457]}, u'type': u'Feature', u'properties': {u'layer': u'address', u'match_type': u'exact', u'county_gid': u'whosonfirst:county:102079441', u'region_gid': u'whosonfirst:region:85687291', u'county': u'My\xc5lenicki', u'street': u'S\u0142oneczna', u'country_a': u'POL', u'label': u'1 S\u0142oneczna, My\u015blenice, Poland', u'id': u'pl/dane_ref:580c0a82-29bb-4a70-85e0-ba0f7c735e58', u'confidence': 1, u'locality': u'My\u015blenice', u'continent': u'Europe', u'source': u'openaddresses', u'gid': u'openaddresses:address:pl/dane_ref:580c0a82-29bb-4a70-85e0-ba0f7c735e58', u'housenumber': u'1', u'accuracy': u'point', u'country_gid': u'whosonfirst:country:85633723', u'source_id': u'pl/dane_ref:580c0a82-29bb-4a70-85e0-ba0f7c735e58', u'postalcode': u'32-400', u'continent_gid': u'whosonfirst:continent:102191581', u'distance': 4.415, u'name': u'1 S\u0142oneczna', u'locality_gid': u'whosonfirst:locality:101826165', u'country': u'Poland', u'region': u'Lesser Poland Voivodeship', u'region_a': u'MA'}} - This is a raw_result from geopy

1 Słoneczna, Myślenice, Poland - This is a label from raw_result
In this example everything is ok .

Second example :
{u'geometry': {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [19.939914, 49.833548]}, u'type': u'Feature', u'properties': {u'layer': u'locality', u'match_type': u'fallback', u'county_gid': u'whosonfirst:county:102079441', u'region_gid': u'whosonfirst:region:85687291', u'county': u'My\xc5lenicki', u'country_a': u'POL', u'label': u'My\u015blenice, Poland', u'continent': u'Europe', u'confidence': 0.6, u'locality': u'My\u015blenice', u'id': u'101826165', u'source': u'whosonfirst', u'gid': u'whosonfirst:locality:101826165', u'accuracy': u'centroid', u'country_gid': u'whosonfirst:country:85633723', u'source_id': u'101826165', u'continent_gid': u'whosonfirst:continent:102191581', u'distance': 5, u'name': u'My\u015blenice', u'locality_gid': u'whosonfirst:locality:101826165', u'country': u'Poland', u'region': u'Lesser Poland Voivodeship', u'region_a': u'MA'}, u'bbox': [19.8978956349, 49.8266998886, 19.9624726392, 49.8429191096]} - This is a raw_result from geopy

Myślenice, Poland - This is a label from raw_result

Sth is wrong. Why in this example the geocoder returns the centroid of city ? I have this addres in database from openaddresses so why geocoder dosent return appropriate coordinates?

So after that i decide to geocode this address but without city name. Gecoder returns a few addresses from different city,among them the one that interested me. ( I recognized this adders by postal code)
{u'geometry': {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [19.949678, 49.832716]}, u'type': u'Feature', u'properties': {u'layer': u'address', u'match_type': u'exact', u'county_gid': u'whosonfirst:county:102079441', u'region_gid': u'whosonfirst:region:85687291', u'county': u'My\xc5lenicki', u'street': u'S\u0142oneczna', u'country_a': u'POL', u'label': u'4 S\u0142oneczna, Poland', u'continent': u'Europe', u'confidence': 1, u'id': u'pl/dane_ref:4d9f04f9-6eb3-4a45-867e-a955834650a8', u'source': u'openaddresses', u'gid': u'openaddresses:address:pl/dane_ref:4d9f04f9-6eb3-4a45-867e-a955834650a8', u'housenumber': u'4', u'accuracy': u'point', u'country_gid': u'whosonfirst:country:85633723', u'source_id': u'pl/dane_ref:4d9f04f9-6eb3-4a45-867e-a955834650a8', u'postalcode': u'32-400', u'continent_gid': u'whosonfirst:continent:102191581', u'distance': 4.373, u'name': u'4 S\u0142oneczna', u'country': u'Poland', u'region': u'Lesser Poland Voivodeship', u'region_a': u'MA'}}
4 Słoneczna, Poland - This is a label from raw_result
The question is why in this results label is without the City name (WOF locality) ? Is it a problem with WOF data or datbase?

I am so confused because without the city name (locality) in results it is hard to decide that this results is correct. What should i do in this situation?