
tiger download dir does not exist

jeremy-rutman opened this issue · 2 comments

when doing an install using the pelias docker system , pelias prepare all hit

- conflating openstreetmap
- conflating tiger
tiger download dir does not exist

The code for tiger conflate is looking for $TIGERPATH/shapefiles ; I set the download dir for tiger in pelias.json to be other than default so maybe the line
TIGERPATH=${TIGERPATH:-"$WORKINGDIR/data/tiger" is not seeing the TIGERPATH set by pelias.json

If this happens after a long download process you can try to save the day (or week as it may be) , if you ave been installing using docker, by docker-running the remaining commands (remember to link the data volume in and make sure your data vol has write permissions ) , in my case first making sure I actually have the tiger data using pelias download tiger:

sudo chmod -R a+w  <data_dir in .env> #so docker can write
docker run -it -v <data_dir in .env>:/data pelias/interpolation /bin/bash
cd scripts ; # then run the  relevant stuff from
If someone in the know can weigh in on whether this is reasonable I'd appreciate it; e.g. I don't know if anything is being changed other than datafiles being written to data_dir , or if this run using docker run instead of the docker-compose called in pelias prepare_all won't have side effects

Fixed in #218